Green leafy vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet that everyone should eat daily. It can be eaten raw, as a salad, or cooked/processed. to our liking, and today Ged Good Life will introduce the 8 best green leafy vegetables. Packed with many properties Eat and be strong. Definitely healthy along with methods for washing vegetables thoroughly Hygienic What will there be? Read on!
Overall benefits of green leafy vegetables
- Green vegetables contain chlorophyll, beta-carotene, and vitamin E, which are antioxidants. which is one of the causes of cancer
- Helps nourish the heart and blood vessels
- Helps nourish the brain and memory , slows down the degeneration of various cells.
- High in dietary fiber Helps excretion go normally. Not suffering from constipation or abdominal discomfort
- Helps in the functioning of the nervous system, contraction and expansion of muscles.
- Nourish the skin, add collagen to the skin Because it contains lutein. which is a substance that stimulates the production of collagen in skin cells
- Contains vitamin C to help promote immunity in the body. Reduce the chance of inflammation of various tissues and cells.
- Makes stress levels decrease By folic acid in green leafy vegetables It will help with nerve function. Makes stress levels decrease more calm mind
The 8 best types of green leafy vegetables that you should eat daily. Definitely good for physical and mental health!
1. Kale

Kale or curly leaf kale It is a vegetable that can be eaten from the leaves to the stem. Classified as a vegetable in the Brassicaceae family, along with kale, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower, kale is called the Queen of Greens and is considered a super food. Or food that is highly nutritious and diverse compared to other types of vegetables in the same quantity.
1 cup of boiled kale, or approximately 118 grams, has many nutrients such as protein, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamins B1, B2, B3, fiber, and most importantly, It has a large amount of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important substances that help take good care of the eyes.
To get the most benefit from kale It should be consumed raw, as cooking can reduce the nutrient content.
2. Mustard greens

Green cabbage has a lot of beta-carotene. When eaten, you will get vitamin A which helps maintain healthy eyes. Prevents night blindness, blindness, and retinal detachment in the elderly. Contains vitamin C that helps strengthen gums. Reduce symptoms of bleeding gums Mature mustard greens have a pungent odor. and has a spicy taste which has properties in helping digestion and nourish the wind element in the body It also contains fiber that is beneficial to bowel movement.
In addition to being high in beta-carotene, Green cabbage is also high in dietary fiber. Stimulates the work of the stomach and intestines. Finally, the oil in the seeds of green mustard can help expel gas, nourish the elements, cure colds, or massage it into the muscles to help blood flow to the area. This can be better.
3. Spinach

Spinach When hearing the English name Spinach, many people will misunderstand. It’s thought to be spinach, but actually Spinach is the name of spinach. (The English name for spinach is Amaranth) and spinach are also famous vegetables throughout the world. Because it is a powerful vegetable from the famous cartoon “Popeye”.
Fresh spinach contains 91% water, 4% carbohydrates, 3% protein and a small amount of fat. 100 grams of spinach provides 23 calories. It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, iron and calcium. It can be eaten both. Live and cooked It is a vegetable that has a sweet taste and has a cooling effect that helps relieve internal heat symptoms. and nourish strength Eating spinach It is also a good way to increase your folate intake during pregnancy.
Spinach is considered a good vegetable for people who are stress every day. Because spinach has a high amount of folic acid compared to other vegetables. Folic acid is a necessary compound in the production of substances. Serotonin in the neuronal system This substance helps the body relax and sleep easily.
4. Water spinach

Morning glory is a vegetable that we have been familiar with since childhood. Adults often say that eating morning glory gives them sweet eyes and good eyesight because morning glory is high in vitamin A. which vitamin A will nourish eyesight And helps to keep the eyes moisturized until the eyes are shiny, not burning, not dry. Traditional properties are used to treat red eyes, blurry eyes, straw eyes, and nourish eyesight. It is a vegetable that has a cool taste. Helps relieve symptoms of heat In addition, morning glory also contains anti-oxidants. Helps to delay aging, aging, and slow down the onset of aging.
There are many types of morning glory. Both Chinese morning glory and Thai morning glory when comparing the amount of vitamin A. It was found that Chinese morning glory had the most vitamin A. Morning glory is used in a variety of cooking. Whether it be stir-fried, curry, or pickled, such as stir-fried morning glory with daeng, papaya salad, sour curry, thepo curry, crispy morning glory salad, etc.
5. Broccoli (Broccoli)

Broccoli is a vegetable in the cabbage family that has an appearance. And the taste is similar to cauliflower. Both young flowers and stems can be eaten. And can be used in a variety of dishes. It is popular among those who love health. Broccoli is considered one of the most nutritious vegetables. and is beneficial to health
100 grams of broccoli provides approximately 31 calories and is rich in many important nutrients. Such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, folic acid, potassium, dietary fiber, and also quite high in protein compared to other vegetables.
Researchers believe that Broccoli is rich in compounds that have anti-cancer properties. The study found that the leaves and the stem of broccoli Contains antioxidants such as phenolic compounds. This may help reduce inflammation. and damage to various cells that can cause cancer. It also contains indole-3-carbinol which is thought to help prevent cancer as well.
For those who have high stress It is recommended to try eating broccoli regularly because broccoli is high in folic acid. Helps with nerve function. Makes stress levels decrease
6. Celery

Celery, or what many people call celery, is a vegetable and herb that has an aromatic aroma. The leaves are similar to coriander but are larger. and has a pungent smell Commonly used in cooking that needs to eliminate fishy odors. or increase the aroma of the soup Including stir frying to extinguish fishy fish.
Celery is high in potassium. causes blood vessels to expand Helps reduce high blood pressure Helps to urinate Treats joint pain such as rheumatic and gout.
Celery is one of the vegetables that contain polyphenols. Which helps prevent DNA damage and helps reduce inflammation. and prevent cancer by inhibiting mutations and carcinogens in the body
7. Cha-om (Climbing wattle / Cha-om)

Cha-om is a small shrub. The trunk and branches have sharp thorns. The characteristics of Cha-om leaves are small green compound leaves.
According to the Nutrition Division, in 100 grams, cha-om provides calories up to 80 kilocalories. The vegetable shoots contain up to 1007 micrograms of vitamin A, 9.5 grams of protein, 0.05 milligrams of vitamin B1, 0.24 milligrams of vitamin B2, 1.5 milligrams of vitamin B3, 80 milligrams of phosphorus, and 80 milligrams of fiber. 5.7 grams, 58 milligrams of vitamin C, up to 58 milligrams of calcium, 4.1 milligrams of iron, considered a vegetable with high health benefits.
Cha-om has properties that help fight free radicals. Because it is high in vitamin A Helps in excretion Prevent constipation Cha-om roots, eaten as rain, help relieve bloating, flatulence, stomach pain, and help expel gas in the intestines.
8. Coriander (Coriander)

Coriander is a vegetable that is popularly used in various dishes to make the food more fragrant and appetizing. Especially sprinkling it on food. Which is the origin of the word “Coriander sprinkled on top” which means What do you do to look good on the outside? or doing good deeds on the surface
Coriander is also commonly use in cooking. Easy to buy Coriander also has many other properties, such as containing various vitamins, especially vitamin A, beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamin B complex. Coriander also helps expel gas. Cure bloating and bloating stimulate appetite Prevents stomach ulcers, relieves headaches, causes sweating, and has antioxidant effects. It also has the effect of relieving anxiety